How to capture lead source in Monday Sales CRM

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Track the source of your leads (free trial)

As you generate leads using Monday Sales CRM and you are curious about their source?

This approach provides a reliable way to identify the source of your leads in Monday Sales CRM.

This helps you enhance your marketing campaigns by identifying the sources that produce the best outcomes.

Let’s examine a detailed overview of this method.

How to track the source of leads in Monday Sales CRM

How does Leadsources track the source of your leads?

With Leadsources, you have a simple solution for monitoring lead origins, and it can track as many as 7 distinct lead source attributes for each lead after being added to your website.

When someone visits your website, Leadsources utilizes cookies and UTM parameters to collect visitor data, effectively mapping out aspects such as channel, source, campaign, term, content, and the subfolder associated with the landing page.

After a form submission, the lead’s contact details, including email, name, and other related information, are forwarded to Monday Sales CRM, alongside the source data tracked by Leadsources, which contains channel, source, and additional factors.

How to track the source of your leads in Monday Sales CRM?

Complete these 3 simple steps today for free:

  1. Sign up at at no cost here.
  2. Add the Leadsources tracking code to your website, and refer to this article for detailed instructions.
  3. For effective lead source data storage, ensure you add hidden fields to your form – since Leadsources is compatible with all form builders, you can check this article for instructions relevant to your builder.

… and you can begin tracking the origin of your leads! 🎉

Once a form is completed on your site, Leadsources updates the hidden fields with the appropriate lead source information:

  • Channel
  • Source
  • Campaign
  • Term
  • Content
  • Landing Page
  • Landing Page Subfolder

After your form submission, lead source data from the hidden fields is sent to Monday Sales CRM, which you can then access on your leads dashboard.

You now have access to detailed insights concerning the source of each lead!

Performance reports: Lead, sales, and revenue by source

What data is tracked in Monday Sales CRM?

A maximum of 7 data points will be populated in your form by Leadsources:

  • Channel: This represents the type of traffic, categorized into 10 channels like Paid Search, Organic Search, Email Marketing, and others.
  • Source: The exact platform or source sending traffic, such as Facebook or Instagram for “Organic Social.”
  • Campaign: The specific title of a marketing campaign, which aids in tracking performance across different campaigns.
  • Term: The keyword targeted in a campaign, like “Corporate lawyer in New York.”
  • Content: The particular ad element a visitor interacts with through a click.
  • Landing Page: The specific URL of the page that the lead landed on.
  • Landing Page Subfolder: The portion of the URL that represents the subfolder, as seen with “/products/” in “”.

Creating your first performance reports

1. Lead source reports

Uncover additional information on your lead sources with the assistance of lead reports.

Leads by channel

Begin by categorizing your leads by channel to see which channels yielded the largest volume of leads.

Leads by campaign

Narrow down to a specific channel, such as Search Paid (Google Ads), and classify your Google Ads leads by campaign to find out which campaign is yielding the most leads.

Leads by keyword

To gain deeper insights into the performance of a specific campaign, you can segment leads further with the “Volume of Leads by Keyword” and “Volume of Leads by Ad” reports.

2. Sales and revenue source reports

Although we are aware of the sources driving the most leads, we need to consider: are these leads resulting in actual sales and revenue?

Transferring your leads to a CRM like Monday Sales allows for a comprehensive assessment of sales performance by channel, source, and landing page.

This enables you to optimize your marketing strategy by emphasizing the channels that contribute the most to your revenue.

To demonstrate, we will consider the following scenario:

ChannelsSearch PaidSocial Paid
Avg. Order Value$150$100

Following your campaigns on Google and Facebook, the preliminary “Leads by Channel” report showed that Social Paid ads surpassed Search Paid ads in terms of lead generation.

In your analysis conducted a few weeks later, you discover that leads that became paying customers indicate that the Search Paid channel achieved higher revenue from fewer leads than the Social Paid channel.