Lead source tracking made simple.

Stop acquiring leads blindly.
Track the source of each lead directly in your form.

lead source tracking software

Track the source of each lead in your form directly

Leadsources tracnks and inserts lead source data in your form, as hidden fields.

Track Google Ads data in WPForms

Track lead source across all marketing channels

Leadsources tracks the source of your leads for all marketing channel, both organic and paid.
Select a channel to see what lead source data Leadsources inserts in your form.

Track 7 lead source data points

For each lead you generate, track up to 7 different data points, whether you are using UTM parameters or not.

Simple tracking. Big savings.

Average results recorded by our clients in the first 6 months.

- 0 %
saved in ad spend
+ 0 %
more leads
+ 0 %
revenue per lead

Integrate with your favorite tools

Keep using the marketing tools you love. Leadsources integrates with all of them.

Typeform. Send lead sources in Typeform.
Jotform. Send lead sources in Jotform.
Ninja Forms. Send lead sources in Ninja Forms.
WPForms. Send lead sources in WPForms.
Hubspot. Send lead sources in Hubspot.
Pipedrive. Send lead sources in Pipedrive.
Monday. Send lead sources in Monday.
Keap. Send lead sources in Keap.
WordPress. Send lead sources in WordPress.
Calendly. Send lead sources in Calendly.
Stripe. Send lead sources in Stripe.
Mailchimp. Send lead sources in Mailchimp.

Do it all with one lead tracking tool

A simple tool to reach all your marketing goals.

🔀 Multi-Channel attribution. Tracks multiple traffic sources (paid, organic, social, referral, etc.) to provide comprehensive attribution analysis.
➗ Smart channel segmentation. Leads are segmented into 9 predefined channels, for a cleaner dataset.
✨ Lead quality insights. Identify channels generating high-quality leads, helping businesses focus on the most valuable sources.
📊 Lead performance reports. Generate lead, sale and revenue reports by lead source to measure the effectiveness of your marketing efforts.
📈 Improve ROI. By identifying the most effective marketing channels, sources, campaign, keyword, landing page, etc., businesses can maximize their ROI.
🧠 Data-driven decision making. Empowers businesses to make data-backed marketing decisions, improving overall strategy effectiveness.
💸 Optimize ad spend. Helps reallocate marketing budgets by identifying the most profitable lead channels.
🛒 Increased conversion visibility. Links specific ads, keywords, and campaigns to converted leads, improving conversion visibility.
🔎 Channel-specific reporting. Segment the leads generated by a specific lead source by campaign, keyword, ad, and landing page.
💪 Robust lead tracking. Track the source of your leads, even when you don’t use UTM parameters.
📸 Detailed lead analytics. Tracks seven critical lead data points, including channel, source, campaign, term, content, and landing page.
💬 Improved lead nurturing. Helps in identifying which sources generate leads that convert into customers, allowing for better-targeted nurturing strategies.

Start tracking the source of your leads for free

Try it for free for 14 days!

Frequently asked questions

No. LeadSources integrates with your current form builder.

Leadsources integrates with 110+ apps that collect leads:

  • Form builders
  • CRMs (requires a connection with your form builder)
  • Payment gateways
  • Scheduling apps
  • Emailing apps

Leadsources tracks and combines data from various sources (referrer and UTM parameters) to provide robust lead source data. 

Yes. When you can’t use UTM parameters (like in organic channels – Google, LinkedIn post, etc.) Leadsources will use the referrer to still captures the source of your leads. 

Leadsources will still provide you with:

  1. Channel (E.G.Organic Search, Paid Social)
  2. Source (example: Google.com, Bing.com)
  3. The landing page your visitor landed
  4. The landing page subfolder (E.G. blog, service page, etc.)

Leadsources captures up to 7 lead source data for each lead generated:

  1. Channel
  2. Source
  3. Campaign
  4. Term
  5. Content
  6. Landing page
  7. Landing page subfolder

Leadsources stores the lead source data in the result page of your form builder. So you can see the lead source data alongside the lead details (name, email, etc.).

Leadsources integrates with all the popular form builders, and we have created a step-by-step guide for each integration.

  1. Simply download your leads from the form builder you used to collect the lead.
  2. Open the document on Excel or Google Sheets. 
  3. Organize the data to measure the volume of leads by: channel, source, campaign, term, content, landing page, and landing page subfolder.

First, you need to send your leads to your CRM to track which leads converted into a sale.

Then, simply download from your CRM the leads that transformed as customer – make sure to also download the revenue generated.

Open the document on Excel or Google Sheets.

Play with the data to measure the sales or revenue by channel, source, campaign, term, content, landing page, and landing page subfolder.

14 days. You can cancel at any time within your first 14 days, and you won’t be charged. After, you’ll be charged on monthly basis according to the plan you selected.

Yes. There is no engagement. You can cancel your subscription at any time.

Here is the process to start tracking the source of your leads:

  1. Sign up to Leadsources (free trial)
  2. Install the Leadsources tracking code to your website
  3. Add the hidden fields to your form

What is a lead source?

A lead source is the channel from which a potential customer (lead) discovers your website. This is the point of contact that makes them decide to enter your sales funnel.

Leads can come from various sources (Google, Facebook, LinkedIn, other websites, display ads, email campaigns, etc.).

As marketers, our job is to identify where our potential customers hang out, and enter these circles to communicate about our product or service. As a result, we often activate several lead sources at the same time (Google Ads, SEO, LinkedIn outreach, etc.).

And because we spend a consistent time (and budget) into each of these channels, one important metrics is to ensure that each channel is performing by not only driving revenue, but also by being ROI-positive.

That’s why understanding where each lead is a must-have, yet challenging data to get.

Why tracking lead source is important?

To understand how important tracking the source of your leads is, let’s consider the following example.

You generated 100 leads for your business during the last month. 

As marketing director, you have opened several acquisition channels:

  1. Google Ads
  2. SEO
  3. LinkedIn organic
  4. Email outreach

But, if you don’t track which source (channel) each lead is coming from, you are blind.

You can’t tell how many leads are generated from your SEO campaign vs. LinkedIn outreach efforts.

Now, if you can allocate each lead to a precise channel, you gain insights into your marketing efforts. You know the exact cost per lead for each channel.

Moreover, when a lead converts into a paid customer, you can know which source these customers came from.

As a result, you can optimize the time and budget you spend on each channel and improve your ROI.


How lead source tracking works?

leadsources.io is a lead source tracking software created for those like us who simply want to track the source of their leads. Nothing else.

To install it on your site, you simply have to insert the LeadSources script in your header. It’s compatible with all CMS.

It integrates with your form builder so you don’t have to change your lead generation funnel. 

When someone visits your site, LeadSources tracks the lead source data and passes it into your form as hidden fields, as shown in the example with Typeform.

LeadSources captures 7 lead source data:

Lead source dataDefinition
ChannelOrganic Search, Paid Search, Organic Social, Referral, etc.)
SourceFacebook, Instagram, etc.
CampaignThe name of the specific marketing campaign. For example, when running several campaigns on Google Ads, you can track which exact campaign your leads came from.
TermThe keyword targeted by a specific campaign. Example: you run a Google Ads campaign called “Search campaign corporate lawyers”. LeadSources categorizes your leads by keyword targeted: “Corporate lawyer in New York”, “Corporate lawyer in Miami”, etc.
ContentThe exact element of your ad that was clicked.
Landing pageThe URL of the landing page where the lead landed. Examples: domain.com/services/corporate-lawyer-miami
Landing page subfolderThis isolates the subfolder of the landing page. Example: a visitor lands on the page domain.com/services/corporate-lawyer-miami. The subfolder tracked is “services”.

Once the visitor submits the form, the lead source data can be found on the submission page of your form builder, alongside the leads details (name, email, phone number, etc.):

Lead source in submission page

Identify the lead source that generate the most leads

Make an export of all your leads from the leads submission page. Make sure to export the lead details (name, email) and all the hidden fields (channel, source, landing page, etc.). Open your dataset on Google Sheets or Excel. 

Create a chart such as the “Volume of leads by…

  • Channel”
  • Source”
  • Campaign”
  • Content”
  • Term”
  • Landing page”
  • Landing page subfolder”
Example: “Volume of leads by channel”
Leads by channel

Identify the lead sources that generate the most sales and revenue

By connecting your form submissions to a CRM, you can run reports such as “Volume of sales by… channel, source, etc.”.

This is how it works.

You connect a CRM tool to your form builder. Every time a lead is acquired, the leads details, alongside the hidden fields (the lead source data) is passed to your CRM.

The CRM allows you to follow your leads as they go down your sales funnel.

Let’s take one example to understand.

Imagine that you have generated 100 leads from different sources. They have all been sent to your CRM with our lead source tracking software. After engaging with these leads through phone calls or emails (whatever your sales funnel is), you close 5 clients (that’s 5 sales). Well, since you have captured the lead source data for each lead, you know which source the leads that transformed into a sale came from.

Example: “Volume of sales by channel” 

ChannelsSearch PaidSocial Paid
Average order value$150$100

You ran ads on Google and Facebook, and with the initial “Leads by Channel” report, you found that Social Paid ads generated more leads than “Search Paid” ads.

After a few weeks, you analyze which leads transformed into paid customers, and figure out that the Search Paid channel generated more revenue with fewer leads than the Social Paid channel. 

You conclude that you should increase your Search Paid budget. This will increase your ROI as a result.

These are all the cool things you can do with our lead source tracking tool. 

Try it today for free!

How to leverage lead source tracking to optimize your marketing strategy?

Once you track which source your leads are coming from, you can make data-driven decisions. Focus on the channels that brought the most leads. Dig deeper by leveraging the “Sales and revenue per channel” report, and you can allocate the budget to the channels that brought the most sales and revenue.

Second, in marketing, segmentation is king. When you track the source of each lead, when a new lead enters your sales funnel, you can tailor your communication based on the source the lead came from. Providing a personalized experience and potentially increasing the conversion rate as a result.  

Third, marketing is a dynamic environment. And seasonality can impact the way customers approach your business.

For example, during low seasons, your LinkedIn outreach channel could be the most performing. While in high seasonality, emailing could be the main acquisition channel.

The bottom line is that we evolve in a dynamic environment.

Tracking the source of your leads over time allows you to quickly adapt to new acquisition patterns by reactively reallocating your marketing budget to the channels providing the most leads.

This allows you to increase your revenue and optimize your marketing costs throughout the year. 

Example of lead sources

Here are the most commonly used lead sources in online marketing: 

Organic search : Someone is searching on Google, and your website naturally appears on the top results. 

Paid search: Someone is searching on Google, and your website appears in the paid results.

Organic social: This lead source covers all the traffic that you get from your organic social media activities. Either it is on LinkedIn, Facebook, TikTok, or Instagram. You have published a post on social media and generated a lead from it.

Paid social: This lead source is the paid version of organic social. You ran an ad on social media and generated leads from it.

Referral: These leads are coming from websites that mentioned you. This could be coming from a guest post that you wrote on a blog, and that generated clicks to your website that transformed into leads.

Display: This lead source covers all types of display banners that you can post on other websites.

Email marketing: These are leads coming from an email campaign sent to your potential customers.

Direct: These are the leads you generate from direct traffic (people going directly to your website by writing its URL).