How to capture lead source in ClickUp CRM

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Track the source of your leads (free trial)

Are you using ClickUp CRM to generate leads and want to discover their sources?

This method facilitates clear identification of where your leads are generated within ClickUp CRM.

This provides you with the opportunity to strengthen your marketing campaigns by targeting the sources that yield the best results.

Let us assess the effectiveness of this approach.

How to track the source of leads in ClickUp CRM

How does Leadsources track the source of your leads?

Leadsources offers a simple solution for tracking your leads origins, and it has the capability to monitor up to 7 lead source data entries for each lead once added to your website.

By collecting visitor data via cookies and UTM parameters, Leadsources effectively maps out the details of each visit to your website, including channel, source, campaign, term, content, and the landing page along with the associated entry subfolder.

After submitting a form, the lead’s contact details, which comprise email, name, and other significant information, are transmitted to ClickUp CRM, alongside the source data tracked by Leadsources, including channel, source, and related metrics.

How to track the source of your leads in ClickUp CRM?

Follow these 3 simple steps today for free access:

  1. Signing up for is completely free of charge.
  2. To correctly insert the Leadsources tracking code, refer to this article for instructions.
  3. By adding hidden fields to your form, you can store lead source data, and given that Leadsources is compatible with all form builders, you can check this article for detailed instructions.

… and you are prepared to track the source of your leads! 🎉

When a form is submitted through your site, Leadsources ensures the hidden fields are filled with necessary lead source data:

  • Channel
  • Source
  • Campaign
  • Term
  • Content
  • Landing Page
  • Landing Page Subfolder

Following your form submission, lead source data from the hidden fields are sent to ClickUp CRM, and you can retrieve it on your leads dashboard.

Insightful information about the source of every lead is now within your reach!

Performance reports: Lead, sales, and revenue by source

What data is tracked in ClickUp CRM?

Up to 7 data points will be provided in your form by Leadsources:

  • Channel: Categorizes traffic into 10 distinct channels including Paid Search, Organic Search, Email Marketing, and more.
  • Source: Identifies the platform or origin that drives traffic, such as Facebook or Instagram under “Organic Social.”
  • Campaign: The unique name of a marketing strategy, useful for evaluating performance across different campaigns.
  • Term: The targeted campaign keyword, such as “Corporate lawyer in New York.”
  • Content: Describes the particular ad element that a visitor clicked on.
  • Landing Page: Refers to the URL of the page where the lead first landed.
  • Landing Page Subfolder: The URL’s subfolder, for example, “/products/” in “”.

Creating your first performance reports

1. Lead source reports

Lead reports allow you to explore further information regarding your lead sources.

Leads by channel

Start with segmenting leads by channel to evaluate which channels drove the largest number of leads.

Leads by campaign

Focus on a specific channel, like Search Paid (Google Ads), and group your leads by campaign to see which one is contributing the most leads.

Leads by keyword

If you want to analyze a specific campaign more thoroughly, consider segmenting leads further with the “Volume of Leads by Keyword” report.

2. Sales and revenue source reports

Although we have identified the sources responsible for the most leads, we need to investigate: are these leads converting into sales and revenue?

Utilizing a CRM such as ClickUp helps you analyze the sales performance of your leads by channel and source.

By leveraging this insight, you can advance your marketing strategy to support channels that drive the most revenue.

To provide context, we will discuss the following scenario:

ChannelsSearch PaidSocial Paid
Avg. Order Value$150$100

Following your campaigns on Google and Facebook, the initial “Leads by Channel” report indicated that Social Paid ads had a greater impact on lead generation compared to Search Paid ads.

After a few weeks of analysis, you notice that the leads converting to paying customers demonstrate that the Search Paid channel earned more revenue from a smaller lead pool than the Social Paid channel.