How to capture lead source in Wufoo

How to track lead source in Wufoo

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Track the source of your leads (free trial)

Are you collecting leads using Wufoo, but not able to track their sources? As the owner of an SEO agency, it is capital for my clients to understand which leads are coming from our SEO efforts vs. SEA campaigns, etc.

I wrote this guide to explain how you can identify the source of your leads in Wufoo, including Organic Search, Paid Social, Email Campaigns, Referrals, and more, right next to your lead information.

Let’s delve into the details.

How to track the source of lead in Wufoo

1. How LeadSources collects the lead source data

As visitors navigate to your site, their browser captures details about their journey in a cookie: the referring site, the landing page they arrived on, the keyword they used, and so forth.

LeadSources collects this information, organizes it, and incorporates it into your form as hidden fields.

When visitors complete your Wufoo form, they input information into the visible fields (such as name, email, etc.). Concurrently, seamlessly integrates lead source information into your Wufoo form as hidden fields (like channel, source, etc.).

Upon form submission, this lead source data is transmitted along with their responses in Wufoo’s submission database. You can then view the lead source information, together with the lead’s name, email, etc., in the same Wufoo entry.

2. How LeadSources passes the lead source data into Wufoo

Sign up at and embed the provided script onto your site – it’s that easy. For step-by-step instructions on how to install the script, Check out the detailed guide.

Next, add the hidden fields into your form. We’ve crafted a tutorial to assist you in adding these hidden fields to Wufoo.

Whenever a visitor completes a form on your website, LeadSources automatically collects the following lead source details in the hidden fields established:

  • Channel
  • Source
  • Campaign
  • Term
  • Content
  • Landing page
  • Landing page subfolder

Upon the submission of a form, the lead source data from the hidden fields are transferred into Wufoo. This information is accessible in the submissions database, right alongside the lead’s details (name, email, etc.).

This process enables you to monitor the source of each lead accurately

How to analyze the lead source data

What data is tracked in Wufoo?

As highlighted earlier in this article, tracking the source of your leads extends beyond identifying where they come from; it includes a variety of details about that source.

LeadSources is capable of monitoring 7 Unique types of information for each lead, outlined as follows:

Lead source dataDefinition
ChannelThis refers to the category of traffic. LeadSources organizes your leads into 10 diverse channels, including Paid Search, Organic Search, Email Marketing, Paid Social, Organic Social, Referral, Direct Traffic, Affiliates, Display Advertising, and various Other UTM-tagged campaigns.
SourceThis represents the particular source or platform directing visitors to you. For instance, within “Organic Social,” sources might encompass Facebook, Instagram, etc.
CampaignIdentifies the specific marketing initiative. For example, if you’re managing multiple campaigns through Google Ads, this allows you to pinpoint the precise campaign generating your leads.
TermThe specific keyword a campaign targets. For instance, in a Google Ads effort titled “Search campaign corporate lawyers,” LeadSources Separates your leads based on the targeted keyword, such as “Corporate lawyer in New York,” “Corporate lawyer in Miami,” etc.
ContentDetails the particular element of your advertisement that was engaged with by the viewer.
Landing PageIndicates the URL of the landing page on which the lead initially arrived. For example:
Landing Page SubfolderDistinguishes the subfolder of the landing page URL, aiding in further segmentation. For example, if a visitor lands on, “services” is the subfolder that is tracked.

How to create performance reports?

Leads source reports

Gain clearer insights into the sources of your leads with detailed lead reports.

Leads by channel report

Initially, categorize your leads based on Channel to identify which channels are the most productive in generating leads.

Next, focus on a single channel, such as Paid Search (commonly known as Google Ads), and break down your Google Ads leads by campaign to uncover which one is contributing the most to your lead pool.

Finally, for an in-depth analysis of a particular campaign’s effectiveness, you can further break down the leads with reports on “Number of leads by keyword” and “Number of leads by advertisement.”

Leads by keyword report

Sales source reports

Now you know which advertisements and keywords are generating most of your leads. However, does this imply that these ads and keywords are positively impacting your revenue stream? 

By integrating your Wufoo submissions with a CRM system, you can produce similar reports that reflect sales outcomes. GoHighLevel is a quite comprehensive and affordable CRM.

Imagine the following example:

ChannelsSearch PaidSocial Paid
Average order value$150$100

You launched advertising campaigns on Google and Facebook, and the initial “Leads by Channel” analysis revealed that Paid Social advertisements produced more leads than Paid Search ads.

Several weeks later, upon examining which leads converted into paying customers, you discovered that the Paid Search channel yielded higher revenue with fewer leads compared to the Paid Social channel. This leads you to the decision to boost your budget for Paid Search advertising.