How to capture lead source in Fillout

How to capture lead source in Fillout

What's on this page:

Track the source of your leads (free trial)

Do you know where your leads and customers from Fillout are coming from? Knowing where your leads are coming from, helps you get an insightful performance based on the marketing strategies that yield the best results.

To help you get the most out of your lead sources, Leadsources is here to help.

How to track the source of lead in Fillout

1. How LeadSources collects the lead source data

As visitors wander through your site, their web browsers store all kinds of info about their visit. plays an important role here by letting you know information like how a person found your site in the first place, where they landed e.g. service section, etc. provides some extra bits of information into hidden parts of the form when a visitor fills out your form.

On the other hand, Fillout saves all the information entered by users, including those hidden fields.

2. How LeadSources passes the lead source data into Fillout

Start by signing up to to get a script for integration into your website.

Next, include the hidden fields in your Fillout form, we have created a straightforward guide for the the whole process.

Whenever a new lead fills out a Fillout form on your site, will automatically fill out the hidden fields with crucial lead source details (use this guide to add the hidden fields on Fillout form).

  • Channel
  • Source
  • Campaign
  • Term
  • Content
  • Landing Page
  • Landing Page Subfolder

Once submission is done, the provided lead source details are sent to Fillout database alongside the leads’s personal information (such as name, email, etc.).

How to analyze the lead source data

What data is tracked in Fillout?

LeadSources tracks records 7 different kinds of data for each lead:

Lead source dataDefinition
ChannelThis categorizes the type of traffic. LeadSources segments your leads into 10 distinct channels, including Paid Search, Organic Search, Email Campaigns, Paid Social, Organic Social, Referrals, Direct Traffic, Affiliates, Display Advertising, and various Other UTM-tagged campaigns, helping you understand your traffic sources better.
SourceSpecifies the exact source or platform directing the traffic. For instance, in the realm of “Organic Social,” sources might include platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and others.
CampaignDescribes the specific name of the marketing effort. For example, if you’re executing multiple Google Ads campaigns, it allows you to identify precisely which campaign attracted your leads.
TermHighlights the keyword focused on by a campaign. For instance, if you launch a Google Ads campaign titled “Search campaign for corporate lawyers,” LeadSources will differentiate your leads based on the targeted keyword, such as “Corporate lawyer in New York,” “Corporate lawyer in Miami,” and so on.
ContentReflect the specific part of your advertisement that was interacted with.
Landing PageThe web address of the landing page where the lead initially arrived, like
Landing Page SubfolderDescribes the particular subfolder of the landing page, enabling finer tracking. For example, when a visitor arrives at, “services” is the subfolder that is monitored.

How to create performance reports?

Leads source reports

Leads by channel report

This report aims to provide different insights into channel traffic generation for your business, offering clarity on which channels are funneling visitors to your site.

If Social Organic generates most of your leads, then focus on it and break it down into campaigns to get an overview of how it’s performing on lead generation.

To refine your campaign even further, consider increasing your investment in specific keywords that show promising results.

Leads by keyword report

Sales source reports

Utilizing Fillout for lead capture is just the beginning of your marketing strategy. It’s crucial to ask yourself: Does this effort contribute to your bottom line revenue? This question is key to understanding the true impact of your marketing initiatives.

Connecting your Fillout responses with a CRM system, such as GoHighLevel (available for a free trial), enables you to see which leads turn into profitable outcomes.

Imagine the following example:

ChannelsSearch Paid (Google Ads)Social Paid (Facebook Business)
Average order value$150$100

Analyzing your Google and Facebook ad campaigns showed that Paid Social ads were bringing in more leads than Paid Search.

However, a closer look revealed that Paid Search, while generating fewer leads, was far more effective at turning those leads into customers. This insight suggests reallocating more resources toward Paid Search, efforts for better conversion rates.