How to capture lead source in Nutshell CRM

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Track the source of your leads (free trial)

Are you sending your leads to Nutshell CRM without knowing where they originate?

Here’s how to track the lead source (Organic Search, Social Paid, Email Marketing, Referral, etc.) along with your lead details, optimizing your marketing strategy based on the best-performing sources and generating performance reports like leads by channel, source, and campaign.

Let’s dive into it.

How to Track the Source of Leads in Nutshell CRM

1. How Leadsources collects Lead Source Data

  • When visitors come to your website, their browser stores data in a cookie: where they came from, which landing page they visited, which keyword they clicked, etc.
  • Leadsources organizes this data and injects it into your form as hidden fields.
  • When visitors fill out your form, Leadsources automatically adds lead source data as hidden fields (channel, source, etc.).
  • Upon form submission, this lead source data is sent along with the contact details to Nutshell CRM, where it appears alongside the lead’s name and email.

2. How Leadsources passes Lead Source Data into Nutshell CRM

  • Create an account on Leadsources .io to receive a code snippet for your website. You can find comprehensive installation instructions in our guide.
  • Add hidden fields to your form using any form builder supported by Leadsources . Follow our tutorial for inserting these fields.
  • When a visitor submits a form, Leadsources fills these hidden fields with lead source details:
    • Channel
    • Source
    • Campaign
    • Term
    • Content
    • Landing page
    • Landing page subfolder
  • These details are then transferred to Nutshell CRM’s leads dashboard upon successful form submission, providing insights into each lead’s origin.

How to Analyze the Lead Source Data

What Data is tracked in Nutshell CRM?

Leadsources can track 7 different data points for each lead:

  • Channel: Categories include Paid Search, Organic Search, Email Marketing, Paid Social, Organic Social, Referral, Direct Traffic, Affiliates, Display Advertising, and Other UTM-tagged campaigns.
  • Source: Specifies the platform or source (e.g., Facebook, Instagram for Organic Social).
  • Campaign: Names specific marketing campaigns (e.g., Google Ads campaigns).
  • Term: Targets specific keywords within campaigns.
  • Content: Identifies the specific ad element clicked.
  • Landing Page: Records the URL of the landing page visited.
  • Landing Page Subfolder: Extracts the subfolder from the landing page URL. For example, in the URL “,” the subfolder is “blog.”

How to Create Performance Reports

Lead Source Reports

Leads by channel report

Segment leads by channel to identify the top-performing ones.

  • Analyze individual channels (e.g., Search Paid) and further segment by campaigns to identify the most effective campaigns.

Analyze campaign performance by examining leads generated from specific keywords and ads.

Leads by keyword report

Sales Source Reports

  • Use Nutshell CRM to connect leads to sales data and understand which channels and campaigns are driving revenue.

Imagine the following example:

ChannelsSearch PaidSocial Paid
Avg. Order Value$150$100
  • After initial analysis, discover that Search Paid ads generate higher revenue despite fewer leads, suggesting an increase in the Search Paid budget may be beneficial.

This structured approach allows you to effectively track, analyze, and optimize your lead generation efforts using Nutshell CRM.