Capture UTM parameters into Pipedrive (without code)

Capture UTM parameters into Pipedrive

Capturing UTM parameters into Pipedrive can be challenging, especially for those without coding skills. What if there was a solution to easily get the UTM parameters into Pipedrive, without using any code? Discover! Leadsources is a lead source tracking tool that acts as a middleman between your UTM parameters and your CRM (in this […]

How to capture lead source in Zendesk Sell

Are you sending your leads on Zendesk Sell, but have no idea where they are coming from? The method below shows you how to track the lead source in Zendesk Sell (organic search, social paid, email marketing, referral, etc.), along with your lead details. In that way, you can optimize your marketing strategy based on […]

How to capture lead source in Sage CRM

Are you sending your leads on Sage CRM, but have no idea where they are coming from? The method below shows you how to track the lead source in Sage CRM (Organic Search, Social Paid, Email Marketing, Referral, etc.), along with your lead details. In that way, you can optimize your marketing strategy based on […]

How to capture lead source in Copper CRM

Are you sending your leads on Copper CRM, but have no idea where they are coming from? The method below shows you how to track the lead source in Copper CRM (Organic Search, Social Paid, Email Marketing, Referral, etc.), along with your lead details. Accordingly, you can optimize your marketing strategy based on the sources […]

How to capture lead source on HubSpot CRM

Are you sending your leads through HubSpot CRM but unsure of their origins? This guide explains how to track the lead source in HubSpot CRM (Organic Search, Social Paid, Email Marketing, Referral, etc.) along with your lead details. In that way, you can refine your marketing strategy based on the best-performing sources and generate reports […]

How to capture lead source in Forminator

How to capture lead source in Forminator

Have you been collecting leads through Forminator and wondered where they came from? This guide will assist you in determining the source of your leads through Forminator. I will also demonstrate how to leverage lead source data to judiciously distribute your marketing budget. Dive in with us. How to track the source of lead in […]

How to capture leads in Sugar CRM

Are you sending your leads on Sugar CRM, but have no idea where they are coming from? The method below shows you how to track the lead source in Sugar CRM (organic search, social paid, email marketing, referral, etc.), along with your lead details. Accordingly, you can optimize your marketing strategy based on the sources […]

How to capture lead source in FormKeep

How to capture lead source in FormKeep

Are you collecting leads with FormKeep and wondering where they’re coming from? There’s a simple way to track down the source of those leads directly within FormKeep. Let’s get started! How to track the source of lead in FormKeep 1. How LeadSources collects the lead source data As visitors complete your FormKeep form, they enter […]

How to capture lead source in FormTools

How to capture lead source in FormTools

Are you using FormTools to capture potential customers, but struggling to define where they’re coming from? As a digital marketing consultant, I understand the common challenge of identifying lead sources in FormTools. The purpose of this article is to guide you through the strategies I recommend to my clients for uncovering those challenging lead sources. […]

How to capture lead source in Nimble CRM

Are you sending your leads on Nimble CRM, but have no idea where they are coming from? The method below shows you how to track the lead source in Nimble CRM (organic search, social paid, email marketing, referral, etc.), along with your lead details. In that way, you can optimize your marketing strategy based on […]