Capture UTM parameters into Monday Sales CRM (without code)

Capture UTM parameters into Monday Sales CRM

What's on this page:

Track the source of your leads (free trial)

Understanding UTM parameters in Monday Sales CRM can be challenging, particularly if you don’t have coding experience.

Imagine capturing UTM parameters in Monday Sales CRM, with no coding required at all.


Leadsources is a lead source tracking tool that acts as a middleman between your UTM parameters and your CRM (in this case, Monday Sales CRM).


When a visitor clicks on your marketing campaign, Leadsources grabs the UTM parameters from the URL.

Leadsources then automatically adds these parameters to the hidden fields in your form.

By linking your form with Monday Sales CRM, you can view your new leads and their UTM parameters in Monday Sales CRM.

This helps you run reports to find out where your most valuable customers come from.

This guide will walk you through setting up UTM parameter tracking in Monday Sales CRM with Leadsources in just 10 minutes, no coding needed.

Capture UTM parameters into Monday Sales CRM in 4 easy steps

Step 1: Add Leadsources in the head tag of your website

Sign up to, and benefit from our 14-day free trial.

Include the Leadsources code in the head tag of your site, no coding skills needed.

Simply follow the step-by-step guide we have created.

Step 2: Add the UTM parameters to your campaigns

Identify the UTM parameters you wish to track in every campaign (PPC, email, social media, etc.).

Leadsources works with these UTM parameters:

  • UTM_source
  • UTM_campaign
  • UTM_term
  • UTM_content

Leadsources collects more than UTM parameters, capturing the channel, landing page, and landing page subfolder as well.

Step 3: Add the hidden fields to your form

Leadsources inserts UTM parameters

Leadsources automatically adds UTM parameters to the hidden fields of your form (channel, source, etc.) when visitors submit their information (name, email, etc.).

To implement this, insert hidden fields in your form to store the UTM parameters. We have comprehensive step-by-step instructions for various form builders.

Step 4: Track the UTM parameters into Monday Sales CRM

Track UTM parameters into CRM

Upon clicking your campaign and visiting your website, Leadsources captures the UTM parameters from the URL.

The UTM parameters are inserted by Leadsources into the hidden fields of your form.

Upon completing the form, the UTM parameters and responses are forwarded to Monday Sales CRM. To achieve this, you need to connect your form to Monday Sales CRM.

How does Leadsources work?

When you add the Leadsources code to the head section of your website, it will capture UTM parameters from the URL each time a visitor lands on your site.

It then stores the UTM parameters in the hidden fields of your form.

Even if no UTM parameters are present in the visitor’s URL, Leadsources tracks their data using the referrer:

  • Channel
  • Source
  • Campaign
  • Landing page
  • Landing page subfolder

This method lets you track important lead source data even if UTM parameters are unavailable or not preferred, such as:

  • On Google Search
  • On your Instagram bio link
  • On your social media posts

Although UTM parameters are typically necessary for lead source tracking with most tools, Leadsources provides tracking capabilities no matter the origin:

  • Organic Search
  • Paid Search
  • Organic Social
  • Paid Social
  • Referral
  • Affiliate
  • Email
  • Display Advertising
  • Direct Traffic

This ensures that all your lead source information is consolidated into one neat place.

How to run performance reports

Now that you have captured your UTM parameters into Monday Sales CRM, you can use it to run performance reports such as:

  • Leads per channel
  • Revenue per channel
  • Revenue per keyword

This aids in making data backed decisions about how to best use your marketing funds.

Let’s analyze the different reports you’re able to generate.

Lead performance reports

You can run reports showing the volume of leads generated by:

  • Channel
  • Source
  • Campaign
  • Landing page
  • Landing page subfolder

Example #1

If you are conducting campaigns across different channels (SEO, PPC, email, etc.), you can pull the data and generate a report called: “Leads by Channel.”

Leads by channel

Example #2

Once you identify the most effective channel for lead generation (e.g., Google Ads), you can proceed by selecting this channel and breaking down the number of leads generated by each ad campaign.

Leads by campaign

Example #3

Once you know which campaign produces the most leads, you can take a closer look by analyzing the exact keywords responsible for generating those leads.

Leads by keyword

Sales performance report

Identifying the ads and keywords that yield the most leads is valuable, but does it necessarily mean they are also enhancing your revenue?

Sending your form submissions through Monday Sales CRM lets you create reports on sales performance.


ChannelsSearch PaidSocial Paid
Average order value$150$100

Following your ad campaigns on Google and Facebook, it was evident that Social Paid ads generated a higher number of leads than Search Paid ads.

Over a few weeks, you found that the Search Paid channel delivered more revenue with a lower volume of leads than Social Paid. This insight helps you choose to boost your budget for Search Paid.