Capture Google Ads data in Monday Sales CRM

✔️Track Google Ads data on a lead level ✔️ Visualize Google Ads data in Monday Sales CRM
Google Ads - Monday Sales CRM

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Track the source of your leads (free trial)

Do you rely on Google Ads to capture leads but lack clarity on their campaign sources?

This is a recognized problem. Google Ads tracks the number of leads from campaigns, ads, or keywords but doesn’t give data on each lead.

This means you can’t determine which campaign, ad, or keyword resulted in leads that converted into customers.

LeadSources addresses this challenge.

Using LeadSources, you can now analyze Google Ads data (campaign, ad, keyword, etc.) at the level of individual leads.

By connecting your leads with Monday Sales CRM, you can see Google Ads data (like campaign, ad, and keyword) for leads that have turned into clients.

You can then generate reports such as: Keywords that brought in the most clients… and decide which keywords to prioritize or discard.

Let’s dive in!

Capture Google Ads lead data in Monday Sales CRM in 4 steps

Step 1: Add Leadsources in the head tag of your website

Sign up to, and benefit from our 14-day free trial.

Insert the LeadSources script into your website’s head tag. No coding skills are required.

Simply follow this easy step-by-step guide.

Step 2: Add the UTM parameters to your Google Ads campaigns

Insert the UTM parameters for tracking into all your Google Ads campaigns.

UTM parameters you can use in your ad include:

  • UTM_source
  • UTM_campaign
  • UTM_term
  • UTM_content

Besides UTM parameters, LeadSources tracks data such as channel, landing page, and landing page subfolder, providing a detailed view at the lead level.

Step 3: Add the hidden fields to your form

Leadsources inserts UTM parameters

As visitors enter details into your form (name, email, etc.), LeadSources automatically populates the hidden fields with Google Ads metrics (campaign, ad, keyword, landing page, etc.).

To do this, add hidden fields to your form to hold the UTM parameters. We supply clear guides for all form builders, and coding skills are not required.

Step 4: Track the Google Ads data in Monday Sales CRM

Track UTM parameters into CRM

When a visitor clicks through your Google Ads ad and reaches your page, LeadSources tracks the Google Ads data (campaign, ad, keyword, landing page, etc.).

Google Ads data is automatically inserted into the hidden fields of your form by LeadSources.

Once the form is submitted, Google Ads data and responses can be transmitted to Monday Sales CRM. Connecting your form to Monday Sales CRM is necessary.

How does Leadsources work?

When you add the LeadSources code to the head tag of your site, it will collect Google Ads data (UTM parameters and referrer) every time someone visits.

The Google Ads data is captured and stored in the hidden fields of your form.

When a visitor comes to your site without UTM parameters in the URL, LeadSources will gather data about them through the referrer:

  • Channel
  • Source
  • Campaign
  • Landing page
  • Landing page subfolder

Using this method, you can still capture essential lead source information without UTM parameters, including:

  • On Google Search
  • On your Instagram bio link
  • On your social media posts
  • Etc.

Most tracking tools depend on UTM parameters to monitor lead sources, but LeadSources can track lead data from channels that bypass UTM parameters:

  • Organic Search
  • Paid Search
  • Organic Social
  • Paid Social
  • Referral
  • Affiliate
  • Email
  • Display Advertising
  • Direct Traffic

This enables the collection of accurate lead source data in one central place.

How to run performance reports

With your Google Ads information captured in Monday Sales CRM, you can now develop performance reports such as:

  • Leads per channel
  • Revenue per channel
  • Revenue per keyword
  • Etc.

This supports you in making informed choices about your marketing investment.

Let’s discuss the various reports available for you to create.

Lead performance reports

You can generate reports indicating the amount of leads generated by:

  • Channel
  • Source
  • Campaign
  • Landing page
  • Landing page subfolder

Example #1

Export the data from campaigns spanning different channels (SEO, PPC, email, etc.) and create a report titled “Leads by Channel.”

Leads by channel

Example #2

Once you know which channel yields the highest number of leads (e.g., Google Ads), you can narrow down your view by choosing this channel to examine lead counts for each specific ad campaign.

Leads by campaign

Example #3

Once the campaign with the highest lead volume is identified, you can examine the individual keywords that are contributing to this lead generation.

Leads by keyword

Sales performance report

It’s useful to know which ads and keywords attract the most leads, but does this also mean your revenue increases?

By routing your form submissions to Monday Sales CRM, you can generate in depth sales performance reports.


ChannelsSearch PaidSocial Paid
Average order value$150$100

Once you analyzed your Google and Facebook advertising results, you found that Social Paid ads led to a higher lead count than Search Paid ads.

Analyzing lead conversion data over several weeks indicates that the Search Paid channel earned more revenue with fewer leads than the Social Paid channel. This information recommends boosting the budget for Search Paid campaigns.