Easily track Google Analytics data in Jotform (without coding)

✔️ Capture Google Analytics data on a lead level ✔️ Store Google Analytics data in Jotform
Track Google Analytics data in Jotform

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Track the source of your leads (free trial)

By using Google Analytics, you can track general lead sources, but you can’t associate leads to specific channels.

Similarly, identifying the precise channel or ad responsible for converting a lead into a customer is not achievable.

Why? Because Google Analytics gives an aggregated overview of lead sources (e.g., “50 leads from Paid Search”), without tracking each lead individually.

❌ As a consequence, you’re unable to determine which channels are effective. And you continue investing without understanding their ROI.

✅ What we need is to track the source of leads individually. So when a lead becomes a customer, the channel of origin is clearly identifiable.

Luckily, there’s an effective way to attribute each lead and customer to the channel that led to their conversion.

Let’s go over it, step by step!

How to track Google Analytics data in Jotform

Step 1: Add Leadsources in your website

Leadsources works like Google Analytics, tracking up to 7 lead source data for each lead. Once installed on your website, it provides up to 7 data points for every lead you generate:

  • Channel
  • Source
  • Campaign
  • Term
  • Content
  • Landing page
  • Landing page subfolder

➡️ Sign up to Leadsources.io for free
➡️ Add the Leadsources tracking code to your site

Step 2: Add the hidden fields in Jotform

Google Analytics hidden fields Jotform

Hidden fields are form elements that don’t appear on the screen but store data from form submissions.

Upon form submission, Leadsources automatically enters the lead source information into the hidden fields of your Jotform easily.

➡️ How to add hidden fields in Jotform

Step 3: Capture lead source data in Jotform

Google Analytics data Jotform

Leadsources automatically captures lead source data, including channel and source, when users visit your site.

The collected data is then populated in the hidden fields of Jotform.

After submission, you can access the lead source information along with the lead details in Jotform.

How does Leadsources work?

When users visit your website, Leadsources captures the lead source data and enters it into the hidden fields of your form. Once the form is submitted, the data, along with lead details such as name and email, is sent to Jotform.

Leadsources keeps track of the lead source details for each lead:

Lead source dataFetched automatically
Campaign✅ OR use UTM_campaign
ContentUTM_content parameter is required
TermUTM_term parameter is required
Landing page
Landing page subfolder

If UTM parameters are not available, such as with organic Google search or article mentions, Leadsources continues to gather the following lead source data:

✅Landing page
✅Landing page subfolder

Unlike other softwares, Leadsources keeps track of lead sources across all marketing channels, both organic and paid.

Pick a channel to see the lead source data that Leadsources automatically inserts in your form.

Performance reports: Lead, sales, and revenue by source

Tracking lead source data in Jotform helps you generate reports on performance like:

  • Leads, sales, and revenue by channel
  • Leads, sales, and revenue by source
  • Leads, sales, and revenue by campaign
  • Leads, sales, and revenue by term (e.g. keyword or adset)
  • Leads, sales, and revenue by content (e.g. ad)
  • Leads, sales, and revenue by landing page
  • Leads, sales, and revenue by landing page subfolder

With this information, you can adjust your marketing budget based on the channels, sources, campaigns, and keywords that bring in the most leads, sales, and revenue.

Now, let’s examine the reports you can generate.

1. Lead source reports

Produce reports that track the lead generation volume from:

  • Channel
  • Source
  • Campaign
  • Term (e.g. keyword or adset)
  • Content (e.g. ad)
  • Landing page
  • Landing page subfolder

Example #1: Leads by channel

This report outlines the channel that produces the most leads.

Leads by channel

Example #2: Leads by campaign

This allows you to focus on a particular channel (e.g., Paid Search) and analyze the lead generation performance of each campaign.

Leads by campaign

Example #3: Leads by keyword and ad

After identifying the Paid Search campaign that produces the highest lead volume, you can determine which exact keyword or ad is generating those leads.

2. Sales and revenue source reports

With the lead sources, campaigns, terms, and content determined, we need to evaluate if the leads are successfully converting into sales and revenue.

By integrating Jotform with a CRM, you can track sales and revenue from different channels, sources, campaigns, terms, content, and both landing pages and their subfolders.

With this data, you can refine your marketing initiatives to concentrate on the channels, sources, campaigns, terms, and content that deliver the most sales and revenue.

Furthermore, it’s possible to generate multiple sales and revenue reports, including:

  • Sales and revenue by channel
  • Sales and revenue by source
  • Sales and revenue by campaign
  • Sales and revenue by term (e.g. Keywords)
  • Sales and revenue by content (e.g. Ads)
  • Sales and revenue by landing page
  • Sales and revenue by landing page subfolder

To clarify, we’ll take the following scenario as an example:

ChannelsSearch PaidSocial Paid
Avg. Order Value$150$100

Once ads were run on Google Ads and Facebook Ads Manager, the “Leads by Channel” report highlighted that Facebook (Social Paid) yielded more leads than Google (Search Paid).

When you examined your CRM’s sales and revenue data, you found that Search Paid produced higher revenue with fewer leads than Social Paid, leading you to reassign a larger portion of your budget to the Search Paid channel.