Capture UTM parameters into Pipedrive (without code)

Capture UTM parameters into Pipedrive

What's on this page:

Track the source of your leads (free trial)

Capturing UTM parameters into Pipedrive can be challenging, especially for those without coding skills.

What if there was a solution to easily get the UTM parameters into Pipedrive, without using any code?


Leadsources is a lead source tracking tool that acts as a middleman between your UTM parameters and your CRM (in this case, Pipedrive).

UTM parameters Pipedrive

When a visitor clicks on your marketing campaign, Leadsources captures the UTM parameters from your URL.

Leadsources automatically inserts the UTM parameters into the hidden fields of your form.

By connecting your form to Pipedrive, you can visualize your new leads – with their associated UTM parameters – in Pipedrive.

You can then run performance reports to identify where your profitable customers are coming from.

In this guide, you will learn how to capture UTM parameters into Pipedrive in 10 minutes using Leadsources (no coding skills required).

Capture UTM parameters into Pipedrive in 4 easy steps

Step 1: Add Leadsources in the head tag of your website

Sign up to, and benefit from our 14-day free trial.

Add the Leadsources code into the head tag of your website. No coding skills required.

Simply follow the step-by-step guide we have created.

Step 2: Add the UTM parameters to your campaigns

Add the UTM parameters you want to track in all your campaigns (PPC, email, social media, etc.).

Leadsources works with any of the following UTM parameters:

  • UTM_source
  • UTM_campaign
  • UTM_term
  • UTM_content

Leadsources also captures information not contained in UTM parameters, such as the channel, landing page, and landing page subfolder.

Step 3: Add the hidden fields to your form

Leadsources inserts UTM parameters

As your visitors fill out your form (name, email, etc.), Leadsources automatically inserts the UTM parameters into the hidden fields of your form (channel, source, etc.).

To do this, add to your form the hidden fields that will store your UTM parameters. We have created a step-by-step guide for every popular form builder.

Step 4: Track the UTM parameters into Pipedrive

Track UTM parameters into CRM

When someone clicks on your campaign and lands on your website, Leadsources captures the UTM parameters from your URL.

The UTM parameters are inserted by Leadsources into the hidden fields of your form.

Upon form submission, the UTM parameters and the form’s responses are passed to Pipedrive. This requires you to connect your form to Pipedrive.

How does Leadsources work?

By adding the Leadsources code in the head tag of your website, Leadsources reads and captures the UTM parameters in your URL every time someone lands on your site.

It then stores the UTM parameters in the hidden fields of your form.

If a visitor enters your site without clicking on a link containing UTM parameters, Leadsources still captures data about the visitor using the referrer:

  • Channel
  • Source
  • Campaign
  • Landing page
  • Landing page subfolder

In that way, you can still track important lead source data, even when you can’t (or don’t want to) use UTM parameters, like:

  • On Google Search
  • On your Instagram bio link
  • On your social media posts

While most tools can only track the source of your leads using UTM parameters, Leadsources allows you to track lead sources regardless of their origin:

  • Organic Search
  • Paid Search
  • Organic Social
  • Paid Social
  • Referral
  • Affiliate
  • Email
  • Display Advertising
  • Direct Traffic

This helps you collect clean lead source data in one place.

How to run performance reports

Now that you have captured your UTM parameters into Pipedrive, you can use it to run performance reports such as:

  • Leads per channel
  • Revenue per channel
  • Revenue per keyword

This allows you to make informed decisions about your marketing spend.

Let’s review what type of reports you can run.

Lead performance reports

You can run reports showing the volume of leads generated by:

  • Channel
  • Source
  • Campaign
  • Landing page
  • Landing page subfolder

Example #1

If you run campaigns on different channels (SEO, PPC, email, etc.), you can export the data collected and create a report: “Leads by channel”.

Leads by channel

Example #2

Once you know which channel drives the most leads (e.g., Google Ads), you can go further by selecting this channel and identifying the number of leads generated for each ad campaign.

Leads by campaign

Example #3

After identifying the campaign driving the most leads, you can further analyze this campaign by examining the specific keywords generating leads.

Leads by keyword

Sales performance report

Knowing which ads and keywords drive most of your leads is valuable, but does it mean these ads and keywords add to your revenue?

By sending your form submissions to Pipedrive, you can generate sales performance reports.


ChannelsSearch PaidSocial Paid
Average order value$150$100

You ran ads on Google and Facebook, and found that Social Paid ads generated more leads than Search Paid ads.

After a few weeks, analyzing which leads converted into paying customers shows that the Search Paid channel generated more revenue with fewer leads than the Social Paid channel. This helps you decide to increase your Search Paid budget.