Easily capture lead source in ACT CRM in 3 easy steps

✔️ Capture lead source data on a lead level ✔️ Store lead source data in ACT CRM
Lead source tracking ACT CRM

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Track the source of your leads (free trial)

Leads are integrated into ACT CRM, but connecting them to their source channels is not available.

When a lead converts into a client, the ability to connect a customer to the original ad or channel that generated them is unavailable.

This lack of tracking limits your ability to measure marketing outcomes, making it difficult to see which sources are bringing in leads, sales, and revenue. As a result, your spending lacks a clear understanding of its impact on your financial results.

There’s an easy way to track every lead and sale to the channel responsible for its acquisition.

We’ll take it step by step!

How to track the source of leads in ACT CRM

Step 1: Add Leadsources in your website

Leadsources is a practical tool for identifying lead origins. Add it to your website to gather up to 7 types of source information for every lead:

  • Channel
  • Source
  • Campaign
  • Term
  • Content
  • Landing page
  • Landing page subfolder

➡️ Sign up to Leadsources.io for free
➡️ Add the Leadsources tracking code to your site

Step 2: Add the hidden fields in your form

add the hidden fields to form

Hidden fields are a type of form field that remains invisible but enables the transmission of extra data.

Hidden fields are updated by Leadsources to include lead source data, and Leadsources automatically ensures the fields are filled correctly.

➡️ How to add hidden fields to your form

Step 3: Send lead source data to ACT CRM

Lead source data ACT CRM

Your form builder can securely transmit lead source information to ACT CRM, ensuring organization-wide accessibility.

You can trace the source of your leads, sales, and revenue directly within the ACT CRM platform.

This lets you measure how marketing activities contribute to your sales achievements.

➡️ Send lead source data to ACT CRM

How does Leadsources work?

Upon a website visit, Leadsources gathers lead source data and fills it into the hidden fields within your form. When the form is submitted, the data, including the lead’s name and email, is sent to ACT CRM for tracking.

Leadsources keeps track of the data related to the source of each lead:

Lead source dataFetched automatically
Campaign✅ OR use UTM_campaign
ContentUTM_content parameter is required
TermUTM_term parameter is required
Landing page
Landing page subfolder

If UTM parameters are unavailable—like with organic sources such as Google search or when your website is referenced in an article—Leadsources still captures lead source data:

✅Landing page
✅Landing page subfolder

Leadsources offers a more complete solution by tracking lead sources across both organic and paid marketing channels.

Choose a channel to examine the data Leadsources adds as the lead source in your form.

Performance reports: Lead, sales, and revenue by source

When lead source data is recorded in ACT CRM, it allows you to compile reports on performance, such as:

  • Leads, sales, and revenue by channel
  • Leads, sales, and revenue by source
  • Leads, sales, and revenue by campaign
  • Leads, sales, and revenue by term (e.g. keyword or adset)
  • Leads, sales, and revenue by content (e.g. ad)
  • Leads, sales, and revenue by landing page
  • Leads, sales, and revenue by landing page subfolder

This allows you to adjust your marketing spend based on which channels, sources, campaigns, terms, and content bring in the most revenue, leads, and sales.

Let’s go through some of the reports you can generate with ease.

1. Lead source reports

Generate reports that indicate how many leads were created by:

  • Channel
  • Source
  • Campaign
  • Term (e.g. keyword or adset)
  • Content (e.g. ad)
  • Landing page
  • Landing page subfolder

Example #1: Leads by channel

This report allows you to track which channel is the most effective for generating leads.

Leads by channel

Example #2: Leads by campaign

You can now focus on a particular lead source (such as Google Ads) and monitor the leads created by each campaign.

Leads by campaign

Example #3: Leads by keyword and ad

Once you’ve found the campaign with the highest number of leads, you can assess which keyword ad is creating those conversions.

2. Sales and revenue source reports

With our lead sources, campaigns, and content identified, the next step is to determine if these leads are successfully converting into sales and revenue.

To track your results, send your leads to ACT CRM. This will help you monitor sales and revenue across different channels, sources, campaigns, terms, content, and landing page subfolders.

This data allows you to adjust your marketing strategy by focusing on the channels, sources, campaigns, keywords, and ads that deliver the most substantial sales and revenue.

You are able to create various types of reports focused on sales and revenue, for example:

  • Sales and revenue by channel
  • Sales and revenue by source
  • Sales and revenue by campaign
  • Sales and revenue by term (e.g. Keywords)
  • Sales and revenue by content (e.g. Ads)
  • Sales and revenue by landing page
  • Sales and revenue by landing page subfolder

For better understanding, let’s walk through this scenario:

ChannelsSearch PaidSocial Paid
Avg. Order Value$150$100

After the ads were launched on Google Ads and Facebook Ads Manager, the initial “Leads by Channel” report indicated that Facebook’s Social Paid ads performed better in lead generation than Google’s Search Paid ads.

Analyzing the sales and revenue data in ACT CRM, it was evident that the Search Paid channel outperformed the Social Paid channel in terms of revenue generation, even with fewer leads. Based on this, you adjusted your budget to focus on the Search Paid channel.