How to capture lead source in Capsule CRM

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Track the source of your leads (free trial)

You use Capsule CRM to generate leads, but do you know their origin?

With this method, you gain the ability to systematically identify the source of your leads in Capsule CRM.

This allows you to improve your marketing campaigns by concentrating on the sources that yield the best results.

We will investigate the complexities of this technique.

How to track the source of leads in Capsule CRM

How does Leadsources track the source of your leads?

This simple tool, Leadsources, allows for effective lead source tracking, and it can gather data on up to 7 lead sources for each lead once implemented on your website.

Utilizing cookies and UTM parameters, Leadsources captures visitor data upon access to your website, facilitating the mapping of important details including channel, source, campaign, term, content, and the relevant landing page subfolder.

Once a form is submitted, the lead’s contact information, such as their email, name, and additional details, is sent to Capsule CRM, together with the source data tracked by Leadsources, which includes channel, source, and further insights.

How to track the source of your leads in Capsule CRM?

Complete these 3 simple steps now, and it won’t cost you anything:

  1. Experience by signing up for free today.
  2. Insert the Leadsources tracking code on your website, and check this article for further guidance.
  3. Adding hidden fields to your form allows for the storage of lead source data, and because Leadsources works with any form builder, you can find guidance in this article.

… and you are ready to uncover the source of your leads! 🎉

Following the form submission on your site, Leadsources automatically fills the hidden fields with appropriate lead source details:

  • Channel
  • Source
  • Campaign
  • Term
  • Content
  • Landing Page
  • Landing Page Subfolder

After you submit your form, the lead source data from the hidden fields is sent to Capsule CRM, making it available on your leads dashboard.

You are now aware of the sources for each of your leads!

Performance reports: Lead, sales, and revenue by source

What data is tracked in Capsule CRM?

Expect up to 7 specific data points to be included in your form by Leadsources:

  • Channel: Traffic types are categorized into 10 channels like Paid Search, Organic Search, Email Marketing, and more.
  • Source: Refers to the specific platform sending visitors, such as Facebook or Instagram for “Organic Social” traffic.
  • Campaign: The name of a particular marketing campaign, crucial for assessing performance across multiple strategies.
  • Term: The specific keyword focus in campaigns, such as “Corporate lawyer in New York.”
  • Content: The ad element that received a click from the visitor.
  • Landing Page: The specific webpage URL where the lead landed.
  • Landing Page Subfolder: Describes the subfolder part of the URL, such as “/products/” in “”.

Creating your first performance reports

1. Lead source reports

Lead reports help you uncover more insights about where your leads are coming from.

Leads by channel

Initially, sort your leads by channel to determine which channels provided the greatest number of leads.

Leads by campaign

Isolate a channel, such as Search Paid (Google Ads), and sort leads by campaign to find out which campaign is generating the most leads.

Leads by keyword

To get a closer look at one specific campaign’s performance, segment your leads using the “Volume of Leads by Keyword” report.

2. Sales and revenue source reports

Even though we know which sources contribute the most leads, we must ask: do these leads result in sales and revenue?

Sending your leads to a CRM such as Capsule allows for an in-depth evaluation of sales performance by various metrics.

As a result, you can enhance your marketing strategy by focusing on the most revenue-generating channels.

To highlight this concept, we will consider the following scenario:

ChannelsSearch PaidSocial Paid
Avg. Order Value$150$100

You launched campaigns on both Google and Facebook, and the first “Leads by Channel” report showed that Social Paid ads exceeded Search Paid ads in lead acquisition.

Upon completing your analysis a few weeks later, you conclude that the leads that transitioned to paying customers indicate that the Search Paid channel outperformed the Social Paid channel in revenue generation from fewer leads.